Sunday, August 30, 2009

about a week ago

my cousin and i rode our bikes onto the creek behind my house to fetch some delicately dried plants to make.... this! bathroom corner be naked no more.

an afternoon bike ride in the sun definitely called for some iced tea (along with ice cream and peanut buttered toast + a sprinkle of sugar.) fancy we be.
passion tea

wild orange tea

afterward, we started on a mini garden that i've been meaning to do since last year. :x

then we finally got started on a little project of ours. here's a sneak peek!

in previous years, i usually never cared for the end of summer (fall and winter have always been my preference) but you'd be surprised what a difference ultra cute seasonal outfits make! for the first time i am sad to feel the nights get colder. fall attire be void fulfilling. better be!


PMBQ said...

We need pics of this new bike :)

The Imaginary Zebra said...

your place looks amazing!