Tuesday, August 12, 2008

comic con 08

... was awesome! here are a few things i got:

i got 2 more "adorable little plant kits for growing" to add to my collection ^.^

goes from this...
... to this!

poketo plates
ahh i love poketo! imagine how psyched i was to find all 4 plate designs (on sale too) from one of my all time favorite artists, ogi!!

i had the hardest time talking myself out of buying his amazing prints because i figured the money would probably have been better spent towards my tuition.... needless to say, my heart broke multiple times during the process :'(

frankandfrank book
frankandfrank is one of theee cutest comics from chris appelhans. i haven't loved a simple comic this much since david scheirer's tuesday comic (and that's saying a lot)

i am soo incredibly thankful to PMBQ for allowing me to come help make and sell her awesome tshirts. i'm honored! :D

if it wasn't for her, not only would i not have been able to get the awesome things listed above but i wouldn't have got to see my precious lee pace (from pushing daisies) in person...

or get these above-and-beyond-awesome kenneth masks!

thanks again pmbq!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, those dishes are AWESOME