Tuesday, August 26, 2008

somebody's got a really good case of the mondays

i am not a spontaneous person. nor am i one to not worry about money. i am, however, so truly thankful to have someone like rochelle in my life to fill that void of awesomeness. thanks to her and jay, another lovely monday afternoon was spent in berkeley eating pancake souffles!!

while walking around a little to digest, i bought a new coin purse in this little japanese paper shop. u squeeze the sides and it opens up like a clam. soo cuute~

and then of course we finished off with more sketch ^o^raspberry ice cream with melon granita and fresh raspberries

about once a month i work at the st. justin's thrift shop next to the public library on homestead. as if $1 clothes weren't already enough of a steal, this past weekend everything was 50% off! meaning that i got a pair of nine west shoes that are still in really good condition for only $1!!
unfortunately they were half a size too small. no big deal. the mighty internet has tutorials for just about everything -- like shoe stretching. michelle phan is a genius. her blog is my bible :)

now they go too riduclously well with my dress. no big deal.
oh wait... YEAH IT IS!!

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