as a design/semi-art student, expression of emotions places pretty high on the list of Things I Believe In - Forrealzies. when overjoyed, i want to document it through a drawing or written journal entries. when disappointed, i have an even greater urge to write... but strangely enough, an even greater greater urge to fight against it.
i am hesitant to ever write publicly about anything that breaks my heart. to write from a broken heart means to want to send a negative message out about someone who'd done did u dirty. as big of a fan i am of people who embrace their vulnerability through expression, i am an even bigger fan of reminding yourself that you still love these people (no matter how much they may disappoint), and tarnishing their image isn't exactly the best way to show that.
i may look back on these moments and kick myself for not working with this "artistic gold", but i'd much rather just have a few less journal pages to be regretful for than the guilt and much burdening pain of hurting someone's feelings.

1 comment:
Interesting blog. I just stopped by, clicking 'next' and found you. Nice, emotional stuff. I like it!
Hang in there. Sometimes life is good, sometimes bad, but that's okay. You need both to know the difference.
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