a visit with rochelle to Left Bank. chicken sandwich (with pear-apple compote and brie) and a glass of champagne. what we like to call the perfect lunch date!
after a visit to a sex shop for research (really) and a costco run, we picked up jt from school and then i took my first jump on the yogurt bandwagon! good gaaad i never thought i'd ever so willingly submit myself to such a seemingly overrated craze but i was SO WRONG.

it was the green tea flavor. green tea is my weakness. so weak i am to it that i had to come back for more the next day with tim. tim! my great tomodachi! so equally poor he is to me that i think that was my first time ever going to mitsuwa with someone and both leaving empty handed haha.

i came home in the afternoon and finally got started on one of my main goals of this break -- giving my fairly-recently purchased vintage typewriter a fix and good scrub down! here's an idea of how neeeeaaaassty it looked when i first got it:

a trip to sf design center on assignment. did someone say i was a badass for conquering my fear of parallel parking in sf with a stick shift? yup, i did.

cute outfits infront of expensive light fixtures is a photo op must.

oh yahh check out the new additions to our family. 7 baby chicks!

samantha clearly doesn't share the same foolishness:

afterward, we had a sweet lunch

needless to say, it hurt.
but woooo what a workout!
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