Monday, November 1, 2010

my proudest body of school work to date

i have a habit of only posting design work about a year after its creation date (and on days when i am avoiding the most homework.) in my 4 and a half years of school, fall semester 09 was the only time i ever felt glad to be there.

this Ohlone Shellmound Cultural Center was from my Senior Studio Green Design class:

i was also enrolled in a furniture construction class where we designed and built our pieces from scratch. (mine wasn't nearly as awesome as my classmates' works.) it was exciting to see how everyone canoodled with their creativity by starting with the raw wood planks that we unloaded from the truk ourselves and ending up with wonderfully functional pieces.

as temporary as it was, i'm glad there was at least a small piece of my time in school where i genuinely enjoyed what i was doing. thankfully i no longer have to fear looking back on my youth and regretting my academic choices. college wasn't so bad afterall...

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