Tuesday, February 24, 2009

if my dreams are the wind then yeah, i'd tooootally be gone with it. (that didn't quite make sense to me either)

picked up Gone With The Wind at the library today. 3 months ago it took me an unnecessary 3 months to just get to chapter 35 (a little over half of the book). since i maxed out my renewels, i went and finished 3 other books instead which now brings us to this point. i hope i'll finally see what the big deal about rhett butler is!

i kept telling myself that i would take a break from pleasure-reading this semester so that i wouldn't risk falling behind in my lame textbook reading assignments... but i swear my mind is holding some kind of threat over my body's head (ha!) because throughout my hour and a half train rides, my arms absolutely refuse to reach into my bag to pull out dreadful books on the Golden Section and Sacred Geometry. mmblehhHh

having to go through the hassle of carrying this behemoth of a novel around is better than just sitting there wasting precious time, right? i can deal. i can deal like scarlett o'hara. unless something horrible happens to her and she decides she can't handle life anymore...???!?! omg i really need to finish this now >_>

my last thought before walking out was how much i hope i'll be able to raise my future family in a nice home that is walking-distance from a library. that would be ideal :)

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