Saturday, December 13, 2008

this saturday about last saturday

lots happened last weekend (which i'll post about at a later date) but for now here are some photos of me and a miniature self hehehe

ha. this last one is my favorite. when i originally posed for this shot with a cousin, i didn't realize the little one was hiding behind me until i uploaded the photos on my computer. ah! dorable! indeed!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


my neighborhood had it's first blackout in (what i can remember) at least 10 years?? i love blackouts! while grabbing some tea lights, i also brought my camera downstairs too 'cause the whole family was actually home. together! all at the same time! during this once-in-a-decade event! exciting times!! well, except for my little brother apparently (his expression in the photo with flash is priceless)

afterward, my sister and i decided to go running. it was a little weird 'cause great america, the powerplant (that's litterally down the street from me), and other surrounding neighborhoods still had power, so there was an orange glow outside. felt more like dusk than 10pm.

then the power came back on again around 11:30. that was fun!

i suppose it's moments like these that feed to my ever-growing appreciation for being stuck at home during college. even though i still yearn for the freedom that i envy so much sometimes, i never really minded my situation that much. happiness depends on what you make of your situations, and i hold no qualms about being with my family before we all go our separate ways soon. this is my only chance to enjoy what's left of our time living under the same roof :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

some going-ons of this past week

uncle rodil's surprise 50th (golf themed) birthday party!

couples link arms!

a mini vacay in davis with jennifer
"ok self timer. turn off the flash too!"
"are they coming?"
"if they were, they certainly wouldn't think we were shoplifting after hearing you say that"

sharp angles are a must this season

aw family photo

my own mom's 50th birthday
@ OPA! greek restaurant aka yumtown!

thanksgiving dinner with b-money's family

(sorry, forgot to capture anything at my own family's luncheon)
"OHHhohoHOho such a delaw-hightful ay-vening!"

"HohoHOHO my yawcht is pawrked on the dawck"

and to properly finish this blog off:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

this makes sense

Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

nervously breaking down

stress leads to self doubt.

self doubt leads to so



so many regrets.

and regrets lead back to stress.

the vicious cycle breaks only when the homework finally gets done.

but starts right up again when the new work gets assigned...

that's normal though....



... right?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

college and me

never again will i want to go to school to study what i "love" because i only learn to HATE IT.

ok not exactly but ugh. unpleasant homework in any shape or form is no friendly friend of mine.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

a photo op first in a while

it's okay that we don't talk about everything. it's okay that we rarely look to each other for comfort. it's okay that we're not as perfect a family as it may look on the outside.

i'm just thankful we're not a broken one.

Because life is what you make it
Because love is what you've made it
And I made it my friend

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hot crossed buns and 3 blind mice give the same effect

i was trying to sing to myself The Girl from Ipanema but the only tune that came to mind was the chorus to Domo Arigato Mr Roboto @_@


Sunday, November 9, 2008

personal problems are called personal for a reason

the windshield wipers weren't enough to keep my vision from blurring on the drive home last night.

it will get better. it has to. i know it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

peacoats are my weakness too.... ~swoon~

i dont know about you but when i read books or wiki articles about events of the past, i always find myself asking what would it have been like to live in a moment that made it into the history books.

would i have been okay with watching Buddy Holly on a black and white tv rocking out his devil’s music on American Bandstand?

how many times would i have seen Roman Holiday in theaters?

where would i have been when JFK was shot? and Lennon?

and WWII? or more importantly (to my family) the Vietnam War? I’ve always wanted to ask my grandparents, but i never know how. (enough panic attacks already ensue when trying to construct a sentence sans-English asking my mom where the butter is.)

What was it like to be a part of it all?????

i dont know.

what i do know though is that years from now when I have my own grandchildren to pester me with what if questions, i’ll be able to read about this in their history books and recall every feeling felt, how I spent every anxious hour counting down to the result, the amazing Gilmore Girls rerun on tv, and the extremely cute guy at the polling place with the adorrrrableeeee pea coat.

it was more than okay. that's what i'd tell them.

Monday, November 3, 2008

this is very true

"The more familiar two people become, the more the language they speak together departs from that of the ordinary, dictionary-defined discourse. Familiarity creates a new language, an in-house language of intimacy that carries reference to the story [they] are weaving together and that cannot be readily understood by others."

—Alain De Botton



"you're voting, right? i need u kids to vote tomorrow. i dont care what you vote for just as long as it's mccain and yes on 8. everything else you can vote however u like"

ohh father

Sunday, November 2, 2008

hey lynn, what are a few of your favorite things?

thrifting furniture (especially danish ones, my favorite kind.) can u believe that table only cost me $5 and the chair 50 cents?)

dressing up as a jewish pirate for halloween (cause they both steal money... ar ar ar ar)

staying up late to read A.H. biographies

wedding decorations shopping with my mom and sister :)

and last but not least, a quality boner party

Thursday, October 30, 2008

a big week for music

i recently decided not to shoot myself in the face because only up until a few days ago, i had gone over a year without winamp! O_O!

some time last year i made the rare decision to reformat my computer. the process includes the hassle of having to reinstall programs, and i felt like i had to make some serious decisions about what programs i reeeeally needed, and which i could do without.

(hmm maybe all that minimalist designing i had been studying that semester had some kind of influence on my thought process... who knows!)

but! unfortunately winamp had been one of the victims so wrongly tossed to the side. i can't belieeeeve the strength between discipline and ridiculous stinginess that was my stupid decision!

the reunion with my precious collection of tunes reignited my love for the artists that truly defined my taste, and i'm so sorry you went so long being under-appreciated. how could i seriously convince myself that windows media was OKAY?


also! i found an old shoe box full of my akfg cd collection ^__^
it's interesting to realize how much of my life before college is still packed away in boxes. i was hoping to finally be able to unpack this week for the first time in 2 years but... defective ikea furniture doesn't seem to want to play nice >:T

on a side note, t.i.'s whatever you like is on the radio literallly every 5 minutes and I LOVE IT!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

like a good ending made perfect with the right quotes

"Do you know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-You-Are?" he says, his anger building. "You're chicken. You got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, 'Okay, life's a fact. People do fall in love. People do belong to each other because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness.' You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing, and you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. Well, baby, you're already in that cage. You built it for yourself, and it's not bound on the west by Tulip, Texas, or on the east by Somaliland. It's wherever you go because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself."

i've lots to tell. many interesting things to write about. started some exciting projects, but want to wait till I have actual endings before I share. 'cause cliffhangers are bothersome. especially the one for Greek tonight. ahh!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

“I don't want to be alone, I want to be left alone.”

A.H. and i share the same secret.

and it's not what you think ~

Monday, October 6, 2008

we got a new dog!

jk (haaa gotchuu huh?)

a new haircut got toby!

Monday, September 29, 2008

how fine is the line between honesty and just plain conceit?

sometimes even i have to ask myself what my real motives behind my actions are. do i do it because it's the right thing and i really am that altruistic? or do i do it because i just want people to like me for being able to do the right thing(s)..... therefore turning it into a selfish deed???


Thursday, September 25, 2008

at the beginning of class a few months ago, the instructor tried something new.

instead of writing a paragraph introducing ourselves to the rest of the class, we were required to post our absolute favorite photo of anything (other than our actual selves) that we felt best represented our personalities.

here's mine:

afterwards, everyone was required to guess what each person was trying to say with their photos.

good luck ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

16 random facts

this is from a facebook thing i did last week, but started on two weeks before haha. as long as i finished it though right??

1) for some reason in 5th grade i never wanted to do much homework, so usually the next day in class i'd volunteer to be the almighty homework collector and then later on when the teacher would ask me where my paper was, i'd be like "whaat?? u dont have it? but i turned it in! why did you lose my homework? :("

2) i have a full size bed but i only sleep on the left side. even if i start off on the right side, i still find myself waking up on the opposite end haha

3) i totally judge people through facebook and myspace :P (but of course everyone still has the opportunity to prove me wrong) it bothers me when people get so worked up about it. why? these profiles are your chances to introduce yourself to the world and you have the freedom to write whatever u want to say about yourself. if you fail to impress, then that's nobody's fault but yours. :PP

4) i think the first time i realized that i really like liked brandon was when he sang a bunch of rnb songs to me with an opera voice haha. so cute!

5) i recently made my online journal public for all to read, enjoy, and adore me forever (hehehe) but what people don't know is that i have another online journal where i actually talk about more serious things, like, you know, my "feelings". it's public as well, but secretive in a way that nobody can actually find it since i don't link it from anywhere or share it with anyone. it's just there as a real life journal from a real life person who writes about her real life stories for fellow real life people to maybe find some real life comfort in. that's all.

6) i don't think i ever had a real love for power rangers cause as a kid i always always ALWAYS fell asleep in the middle of every episode. terrible, i know! please dont power ranger kick my ass!

7) i used to hope really badly for some kind of collaboration tv series where each sailor scout married their color-corresponding ronin warrior and when that didn't happen i bought the dolls and action figures but was still frustrated cause they always made the action figures shorter >:T

8) one of my absolute favorite things to do is hanging laundry out to dry. i don't know why!! maybe it just makes me feel like i still have something to offer as a good house wife since i'm a terrible cook XP

9) i rarely ever hang out in person with the majority of my closest friends. for the most part, i only see them a few times out of the year, but somehow things never change between us (how do we do it??? haha)

10) i can only work if nobody is watching me. must be some kind of self confidence issue :P

11) i've never had more than 130 songs on my ipod. i get tired of songs too quickly :x

12) when a book or a movie makes me cry, instead of tissues i grab a tshirt from my dirty laundry pile to cry into ewww haha

13) when i was really young i was afraid to walk near those sewer lids in the middle of the street cause i was so afraid that a ninja turtle's hand would pop out and grab me lol

14) i absolutely refuse watching my favorite movie with anyone. i also prefer wataching (good) romance movies on my own. for some reason i can't seem to ever fully enjoy the experience with anyone else cause i know i can't cry as much as i would on my own :P maybe it's cause i know that they'll turn and ask if i'm crying. total mood kill! (plus i'm a really really ugly cryer)

15) one of my greatest fears in life is that my dad will pass away before he could have the chance to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day and/or for my children to not be able to have the opportunity get to know their grandparents

16) i'm happy. don't stop me.

Monday, September 8, 2008


my current desk is a little coffee table, so i do all of my sitting on the floor. sometimes i just free fall back and lay down for a while. but thank gad of all gads that i didn't tonight because instead, i turned around and found a BIRD!

A BIG BLOODY FAT LUMP OF FEATHERY DEADY BIRDNESS JUST 6 INCHES FROM MY ASS. i could not recall any moment in time where i could possibly have crapped something this disgusting on my carpet. ever. EVER EVER EVER OMG WHY!!!!!!

so of course i ran downstairs crying for my dad to get rid of it. after he gently removed the poor thing, i went on a mad dash for the 409 or cleaner or any kind of disinfectant i could get my hands on. he was trying to convince me that i didn't need it. totally had that
back-in-the-olden-days-of-toughin'-it-out-in-the-poor-country-side vibe goin' on. there's a difference when you're a sissy girl that grew up in a california suburb.


at least that's what i hope he understood through my interpretive dance of jumps and squeels and hands covering my face. eeeeeeee!!

i just could not believe something like this could seriously show up out of nowhere at 11:50pm. who could pull such an effed up prank?!

"oh." i soon thought to myself. TOBY!

dog! why! why dog why! i realize now that it was just his offering to me. he was just trying to protect us (that dog really hates birds). so as sweet of a gesture as it was, no thank you! sorry toby, even though i may be your favorite, i will not love you any less if next time you decide to instead take that kindness to my brother or sister's room. i'll even give u a treat!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

endangered of being too cute

can u find toby?


i'm currently working on a private project involving old pictures of my family when us kids were tiny and troublesome but too adorable to be too angry at for very long hehehe

ha. we all have the same haircut!

haha how could anyone not love us!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

big deal everybody!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

labor day

i am not quite the Prisoner champ that i wish i was haha

Saturday, August 30, 2008

best 3 bucks i ever spent

at the end of dinner last night i found this on my platearf arf!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

hakone gardens

today we took a trip!

haha i dont know why they kept gathering in front of the waterfall

hello sir turtle thank you for not being shy

my, what wonderful self-timing skills we have!

hello brandon thank you for celebrating 65 months with me :)

Can't you think of something spiteful?
Something mean that you could do?
Must you be so darn delightful?
You make it easy to be true.
