this is from a facebook thing i did last week, but started on two weeks before haha. as long as i finished it though right??
1) for some reason in 5th grade i never wanted to do much homework, so usually the next day in class i'd volunteer to be the almighty homework collector and then later on when the teacher would ask me where my paper was, i'd be like "whaat?? u dont have it? but i turned it in! why did you lose my homework? :("
2) i have a full size bed but i only sleep on the left side. even if i start off on the right side, i still find myself waking up on the opposite end haha
3) i totally judge people through facebook and myspace :P (but of course everyone still has the opportunity to prove me wrong) it bothers me when people get so worked up about it. why? these profiles are your chances to introduce yourself to the world and you have the freedom to write whatever u want to say about yourself. if you fail to impress, then that's nobody's fault but yours. :PP
4) i think the first time i realized that i really
like liked brandon was when he sang a bunch of rnb songs to me with an opera voice haha. so cute!
5) i recently made my online journal public for all to read, enjoy, and adore me forever (hehehe) but what people don't know is that i have another online journal where i actually talk about more serious things, like, you know, my "feelings". it's public as well, but secretive in a way that nobody can actually find it since i don't link it from anywhere or share it with anyone. it's just there as a real life journal from a real life person who writes about her real life stories for fellow real life people to maybe find some real life comfort in. that's all.
6) i don't think i ever had a real love for power rangers cause as a kid i always always ALWAYS fell asleep in the middle of every episode. terrible, i know! please dont power ranger kick my ass!
7) i used to hope really badly for some kind of collaboration tv series where each sailor scout married their color-corresponding ronin warrior and when that didn't happen i bought the dolls and action figures but was still frustrated cause they always made the action figures shorter >:T
8) one of my absolute favorite things to do is hanging laundry out to dry. i don't know why!! maybe it just makes me feel like i still have something to offer as a good house wife since i'm a terrible cook XP
9) i rarely ever hang out in person with the majority of my closest friends. for the most part, i only see them a few times out of the year, but somehow things never change between us (how do we do it??? haha)
10) i can only work if nobody is watching me. must be some kind of self confidence issue :P
11) i've never had more than 130 songs on my ipod. i get tired of songs too quickly :x
12) when a book or a movie makes me cry, instead of tissues i grab a tshirt from my dirty laundry pile to cry into ewww haha
13) when i was really young i was afraid to walk near those sewer lids in the middle of the street cause i was so afraid that a ninja turtle's hand would pop out and grab me lol
14) i absolutely refuse watching my favorite movie with anyone. i also prefer wataching (good) romance movies on my own. for some reason i can't seem to ever fully enjoy the experience with anyone else cause i know i can't cry as much as i would on my own :P maybe it's cause i know that they'll turn and ask if i'm crying. total mood kill! (plus i'm a really really ugly cryer)
15) one of my greatest fears in life is that my dad will pass away before he could have the chance to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day and/or for my children to not be able to have the opportunity get to know their grandparents
16) i'm happy. don't stop me.