i keep a notepad where i write many unfinished sentences to unfinished thoughts. they represent reminders to musings in progress for me to come back to and elaborate on a later date. today seemed like it could be one of those good dates of late!
now, i don’t necessarily go through and finish them off one by one. a lot of times i don’t even finish
one. it is just fun to read what has accumulated over the last few months: pleasant memories, forlorn realizations, and comical quotes. entertaining altogether as one document. i hope you enjoy the latest batch at least half as much as i did:
1) “I need to be more like you, oh my god. Your blog is my Jesus. MY BABY JESUS.”
2) we could be heroes just for one day
3) water color an elephant
4) be interesting, but be genuine.
5) “I’m not sure if Taylor is intimidated by my song writing skillz or if he just doesn’t believe there is a big market for soup based songs..”
6) things hurt. all the time. all the time things hurt.
7) my discotech-ing days are well behind me
8) she was mad and she yelled and she said hell.
9) i want to explore life, inside and outside myself, and share my observations with you
10) "I’m trying to be awesome, but it’s hard."
11) and then she brushed me away with a wave of her regal hand.
12) "The asshole in me cursed the lady for dying in the middle of the night and interrupting my sleep. Then the me in me said, ‘Hey asshole, get out of