Saturday, March 26, 2011

just the cutest little hostage a ninja could ask for

march 20: my first time holding the baby! SOMEhow i caught the moooost inconvenient cold on the day she was born so i’ve had no choice but to keep my distance …. until i remembered that i am a warrior who is trained in all martial-arts involving stealth, speed, a mastery of various weapons and poisons, and efficient & deadly combat tactics.

all to defend the honor of my family clan!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

morning stretch

perhaps the thing that i like best about gloomy weather is that it continues to feel like early morning all throughout the day :)

so when 2pm rolls around, my body will read it as 9am, which makes it easier for me to convince myself that i haven’t wasted the day and that it’s not too late to go make something out of it.