Friday, July 31, 2009

some work (it's about time)

i don't usually post up work that i've done but i am in a pretty good mood, so here are some projects from last semester. enjoy~

midterm for Golden Section and Sacred Geometry

(Karmic Bonds, Reincarnation by Hilma Af Klint)

geometric analysis

my re-creation

Final project for Golden Section and Sacred Geometry

for our final, the instructor gave us a list of several topics to choose from, and then allowed us to interpret our own final projects from there. (so cool!)

my project was based on a geometric analysis of an influential female figure whom we felt embodied the 7 virtues:

- prudence
- justice
- temperance
- fortitude
- faith
- hope
- love and charity

and with that (along with geometric grid designs) i decided to create an adjustable calender! 7 days of the week that correspond to a virtue, accompanied by a collage and a quote from the one and only A.H. :)

more technical information:
- every image also follows a color in the roygbiv spectrum
- i know the quotes don't follow the traditional definition of each virtue. it is just more of my own interpretation into it
- there are no years because we should never stop aspiring to become better people :D

Rooftop design for IADB

the only room i liked from this series ^^
that's it for now!

good night

just got home!

the original plan tonight was for me to teach brandon autocad....
but instead i worked out to some bollywood exercise routine with his sister!

not what i had in mind when i came over in the cuUutest summer dress you'd ever seen...
but i had athletic shorts on underneath so i figured why not!

bollywood routines are tiring.
that is what i've discovered.

but very fun!
(not to mention good for you too)

we met up with a good friend and her significant other tonight for a 12am screening of a movie that i very much enjoyed even if they did not. it is not exactly a favorite, but it sure is close to being on that list. what i'd like to call a "memorable movie". a memorable movie with people i enjoy being with. (very much.)

and sitting passenger listening to One Headlight by The Wallflowers with my guy going 55mph on 880 at 2:30 in the mor'n? oh my!

there is no real positive purpose to reading all of this.

but the combination of the evening's events and the people accompanying them just makes me feel really really good about life.

i dont know.